Visual Artist Renee M. Billingslea


About the Artist

Renee Billingslea is a visual artist whose practice includes photography, stitching, and creating visual projects that illuminate overlooked historical narratives. Her artwork serves as a powerful voice in confronting injustice, racial violence, trauma, and white privilege.

At the heart of Billingslea’s creative process lies in-depth research and community engagement deepening her understanding of the stories she re-tells. Her art practice incorporates material culture, where textile and objects play pivotal roles in engaging viewers inviting them to gain greater awareness and insight through uniting with the artwork.

Through her artistry and commitment to storytelling, Billingslea continues to challenge perceptions and provoke essential conversations about societal issues and historical truths leaving an indelible mark on the artistic landscape.

Billingslea earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Southern Oregon State University and a Master of Fine Arts from San Jose State University. She is a returning Peace Corps volunteer who served in Central Pacific, Kiribati.

Billingslea is currently a Senior Lecturer of Photography in the Department of Art and Art History at Santa Clara University.